Carbon Monoxide Presentation - 15 February

To promote aviation safety and awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning, particularly in aircraft, Mike Montefusco has agreed to come to Majors Field on 15 Feb and do a presentation about carbon monoxide (CO) awareness for not only the flying club but for the GVT aviation community as well.

This presentation will be a WINGS credit event for those participating in the WINGS program (all of us should be doing this ).

Here is the plan:

The event will take place in and around the Majors Flying Club hangar on 15 Feb. We will have hot dogs and hamburgers available at 1130 and Mike's presentation will follow shortly after noon in the club house. The presentation will include a "Show & Tell" on the various CO detectors currently available. After the Q&A, we should be finished NLT 1400.

Please spread the word to all aviators in the area. This information is important and could save a life or two.

There is NO CHARGE for this all though a small donation would be welcomed.

Mark your calendar: 15 Feb., 1130 - 1400, CO Presentation, Majors Flying Club
