Fall Scout Aviation Workshop - 6 October 2018

The Fall 2018 Scout Aviation Workshop was held on Saturday, October 6, 2018 and by all of our normal measures of success, it was another very successful event!

The event hosted fifty (50) scouts this year of which forty-eight (48) scouts chose to fly. As seems to be the norm for these events, the morning started out cloudy and even a bit threatening but by the time we were finished with the pre-flight event, the skies cleared enough to launch! The preflight effort was conducted in a very timely manner thanks again to Mr. Dennis Mathis and the eleven (11) planes and seventeen (17) pilots he was able to round up for the event. Thanks to those plane owners and all of the folks who help the scouts with the pre-flight event.

Following the completion of the pre-flight event, the flying portion of the event got underway. Engine start for the first round was around 1030 and all the flight were completed by around 1315. Lunch followed in the IFI hangar as well as the always well received demonstration by the L-3 fire truck. Those spray nozzles are impressive!

As is always the case for this event, there is a ton of behind the scenes effort required to coordinate, organize, plan, and execute the event. There are too many to mention to single out by name but everyone pitches in where they can to make the event a success. Just ask the photographer for the day, and we only had one this time, just how many steps he put on his Fitbit!
