Membership Meeting - 4 October 2018

The 3rd quarter 2018 Membership meeting was held on Thursday, October 4th in the Majors Flying Club hangar.

Prior to the start of the meeting, the Regular members who were present adjourned to the clubhouse to participate in a vote to accept Revision L of the By-Laws. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote.

The meeting was called to order by the president, Mr. Dennis Mathis, at 1732. Mr. Mathis introduced the special guests including Harry Andonian, Casey Weese (son of the guest speaker), Ty Helton, General Aviation Manager, and the guest speaker, Chuck Weese.

Several of the members of the Board of Directors including B.J. Finney (Treasurer), Dennis Harwell (Secretary), and Dennis Guinn (Maintenance Officer) presented reports for their respective functions.

Gordon Hay received a nod for his chef duties and his world famous brownies. Karen Smith receive kudos for providing the tomatoes.

The upcoming Majors Field Breakfast Fly-In was discussed including the call for volunteers.

Mr. Mathis introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Chuck Weese who provided a very interesting talk about his aviation career. How bad can it be if your day job is flying a Challenger 601! At the conclusion of his talk, Chuck was presented with a personalized coffee mug as a toke of our appreciation.

The meeting was adjourned at 1912.

The minutes for the meeting can be found on the October 2018 (Board of Directors) section of the Board Meetings webpage.
