Thanks to those who attended a most interesting meeting, Thursday, Jan 31. Joe Wiser's presentation was most interesting and informative. Brought back a lot of memories for me. Great job, Joe.
We had an election (no surprises there !), updates on club activities, to include financial status, and we have three new members: Denis Rottler and Kevin Duignan (regular) and Fred Crabtree (Associate). Thanks guys for joining our group.
We instigated an incentive program this year with a eye to thanking those who come out and help with the annual inspections. For the first round (Cessna) the winners were: Dennis Guinn & Gordon Hay ($50 cash card), and Jon Bottorff & Dennis Harwell ($25 cash card). Congratulations guys and thanks for your contribution.
The same program will be in effect for the Archer annual, starting with a plane wash on the 16th or 23rd of Feb. Our maintenance officer will set the date and let us know when to show. Some time late March or early April, we'll have an informal gathering (maybe a cookout or similar) and pick four more winners.
We'll be sending out voting instructions soon regarding the Stratus unit. The operation of the unit was discussed and most in attendance felt it was a positive idea to purchase one. However, we need all regular members to vote on this issue. If you wish to obtain more information, particularly those that did not attend the meeting, go to and review the info there. I used one during my recent XC to south Texas and it worked as advertised. This is a great idea for both the VFR and IFR pilot.